Thursday, August 12, 2010

First Day In Perhentian

After the jetty, its a 30 minute boat ride to the Islands! At one point, the boat will stop at several islands, as each passenger has their own specific destination. It's kind of funny seeing people transfer boats, getting hold of the balancing act with their luggage.

On the way to the island I noticed something special. Everyone on the boat couldn't stop smiling! Its like everyone knew what lay ahead was only good times and it emanated from their excited faces. Before I knew it, I was smiling myself silly as well, not being able to contain my joy at all! It was hilarious! We all looked like a bunch of loons on a boat!

As soon as I got there it was 3pm! So the first thing I did was check in for a place to stay but unfortunately it was all packed! August is peak season in Perhentian, so if you're planning to come, dont forget to book early. I actually had to resort to staying in a tent on the beach that night, but by twist of fate, I bumped into old friends and stayed at Lemongrass shalet which was RM30 a night ( two single beds ) a a hammock outside your door, and quite clean outhouses.

Before hand though, I decided to kayak around the island!

It was really tiring kayaking solo! haha not a smart move! The view is amazing and its quite relaxing. Go early in the morning though, where the water isnt so choppy. I rented my kayak from LazyBoyz shop, a functional kiosk with internet and travel guides.

Lazy Boyz own boat!

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